Time it needs time Du temps il faut du temps To win back your love again Pour reconquérir ton amour I will be there I will be there Je serai là je serai là Love only love Lamour seul lamour Can bring back your love someday Peut ramener ton amour un jour I will be there I will be. The Weeknd Blinding Lights.
Paroles De Still Loving You Explication Scorpions
Written by Klaus Maine and Rudolf Schenker.

Paroles scorpion still loving you. Time it needs time To win back your love again I will be there I will be there Love only love Can bring back your love someday I will be there I will be there. Still Loving You Lyrics. Send me an angel.
Time it needs time To win back your love again I will be there I will be there Love only love Can bring back your love someday I will be there I will be there. Em C G D Im still loving you Em C G Im still loving you G D I need your love. Em C G Im still loving you.
Paroles - Scorpions - Still Loving You. Love At First Sting Corriger ces paroles. Time it needs time To win back your love again I.
I will be there I will be there Love Only love Can bring back your love someday I will be there I will be there Fight Babe Ill fight To win back your love again I will be there I will be there Love Only love Can. Still Loving You Paroles Scorpions Album. What youve been through You should give me a chance This cant be the end Im still loving you Im still loving you Im still loving you I need your love Im still loving you Still loving you baby Im still loving you I need your love Im still loving you I need your love Hoo.
La traduction de Still loving you de Scorpions est disponible en bas de page juste après les paroles originales. Rock you like a hurricane. Find Scorpions - Still Loving You - Unreleased Demo Bonus Track official song lyrics.
Still Loving You Paroles Scorpions. Still loving you baby. Vous pouvez également trouver le lien de la partition de batterie ici.
Im still loving you Im still loving you Im still loving you I need your love Im still loving you. Écoutez en ligne et obtenez de nouvelles recommandations uniquement sur Lastfm. Pink Cover Me In Sunshine.
Voici les paroles de la chanson Still Loving You interprétée par Scorpions pour rendre votre écoute plus agréable. Still Loving You paroles et traduction de la chanson. Fight babe Ill fight To win back your love again I will be there I will be there.
About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators. Dust in the WInd. Paroles de Still Loving You Time it needs time To win back your love again I will be there I will be there Love only love Can bring back your love someday I will be there I will be there.
Trouvez les paroles de Still Loving You par Scorpions et cherchez Scorpions. Yes Ive hurt your pride and I know what youve been through You should give me a chance this cant be the end Im still loving you Im still loving you Im still loving you I need your love Im still loving you Still loving you baby Still loving you I need your love Still loving you I need your love oh Still loving you I need your love. Im still loving you I need your love Hoo.
Les paroles de Still Loving You de Scorpions ont été traduites en 35 langues Time It needs time To win back your love again. G D I need your love. I need your love.
Still Loving You Je Taime Encore. Bad boys running wild. Sélection des chansons du moment.
Acoustica Corriger ces paroles. Les paroles et la vidéo de la chanson Still loving you de Scorpions. Paroles de chansons de Scorpions.
Time it needs time To win back your love again I will be there I w. Em Am B Yes Ive hurt your pride and I know Em What youve been through. Scorpions Paroles de Still Loving You.
Em C G D Still loving you baby. Time it needs time To win back your love again I will be there I will be there Love only love Can bring back your love someday I will be there I will be. Massive hit from 1984 album Love At First Sting.
Still loving you I need your love Still loving you I need your love oh Still loving you I. Still Loving You Paroles Scorpions Album. C You should give me a chance D This cant be the end.
Paroles de Still Loving You Time it needs time To win back your love again I will be there I will be there Love only love Can bring back your love someday. Yes Ive hurt your pride and I know what youve been through You should give me a chance this cant be the end. Time it needs time to win back your love again i will be there i will be there.
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